- This offer is valid from the 6th of June till the 30th of June 2024.
- This offer is applicable for applications disbursed till June 30 , 2024 only.
- Additional (2%) Cash will be disbursed within 5 working days from the date of the disbursement of the required loan
- National Finance House shall bear the value of the administrative fees on behalf of the customers for those benefiting from the offer mentioned during its period
- This offer is available exclusively thought the website of Intelligence Solutions Company (Arib)
- Valid for “Tawarruq” product only
- Annual (APR) starts from 33.1%.
- Applicable for Both Citizens and Residents who are eligible for financing Programs Terms & Conditions
- This offer is not applicable with any other existing offer/promotion
- Each Customer can benefit from this offer once (one time) only
- Applications Acceptance or Rejection is subject to NFH Policy
- NFH has the full right to change the offer in the most appropriate way it sees and without any prior notice